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prevost buses for sale at staley bus sales in nashville, tennessee

             Florida Coach Star Coach / Motor Home    Florida Coach Prevost XLII Dual Slide Executive / VIP Bus For Sale by Staley Coach, Nashville, Tennessee.       florida coach star coach 46421    

Family Owned and Operated,  High Volume, Low Overhead Means Savings For You.  


Office : (615) 860-9485         Nashville, Tennessee 37115         


        CONSIGNMENT INFO  BUS PARTS & REPAIR  cargo trailer banner

" The Most Respected Bus Sales Company in Nashville , Committed to operating with honesty and integrity in all we do."

Email us at :  or call us (615) 860-9485  Hrs: Monday-Thursday 8:30 am-3:00 pm, Friday 8:30 -12:00 noon CST 


49568   49604  49606  40605  49608

44063 49597 49592 44006 49586 

             49594   49576   49580   49570  49558

49595   49561  49569   49583   albright trailers

49598  49600  49602  49603

Nashville, Tennessee          (615) 860-9485


Information on all buses, goods and services listed deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. It is the buyers privilege and responsibility to inspect or verify any of these before purchase.

LOCATED AT : 933 West Old Hickory Blvd, Madison, Tennessee 37115 ( 5 Miles from downtown Nashville, 1 mile off I-65 North at exit # 92 )

 3 miles south of the Nashville Prevost Service Center

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EMAIL 13 GOLD ON BLUE                    link button










































 Prevost LeMirage, Prevost H3-45, Prevost XLII, Prevost X3-45

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